Bullet Cable BC-12SPRK Spark Plug Cable Reviews 5

I am an older guy and I have played just about everything with strings on it.

I saw this spark plug cable in a guitar magazine I think it was guitar world. I have two shelby mustangs and a great love for classic cars. When I saw the cable I knew I had to have one and I bought it online from musicians friend. Who would have thought of making a cable that looks like a spark plug simply amazing.

At first I did buy the cable for it looks and when it came in I have to say the packaging was pretty cool too. It has all the logos like a performance upgrade to any hot rod. First the construction is hands down first rate. I can tell a lot went into this construction it is very well made. I plugged it into my Fender rectifier and played it through my '64 telecaster. It has a really full tone and has a bite to it. I guess you could call it hot but the cable doesn't fire high end at you it is a warm hot - hard to explain tone - right?

I dont really have any complaints other than I would need one that is longer to play with my band....

High end, well made.

These Bullet Cables are the coolest cables around check it out....

Bill Petersai rated this unit 5 on 2006-12-15.

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